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I wander to forget, and forget to wander.

Monday, April 4, 2011

So Baby Fry finally rolled recently, belly to back AND back to belly (in the same day, might I snobbishly add), pushed herself up to sitting from her belly, and even pulled up on the coffee table to a half-standing position. This was all in the space of about a week, so apparently we got rather ambitious with the changing of seasons.

Of course, this is coming from the child who (nearly) rode a horse all by herself, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. I mean, I give away amazing genetics, so it's only expected that she come out and practically be superhuman. 

Yes, it's appropriate, you may all applaud raucously.

As a result of this newly-discovered mobility, she's been all over the floor, rolling under the table, chairs, and giving me some much-appreciated hands-free entertainment time. Of course, while all of this is impressive (you know you're impressed, don't lie), it means that I have to actually employ some sort of baby-proofing  in the near future. Which, given my lazy nature and our lack of anything particularly valuable in the house, might just end up being some ground stakes and a few strategically-placed tarps. We don't have company, anyway, so the ugly clashing of outdoor with indoor vanity won't matter much. I might go camo just to be obstinate.

On another note, given that it's now the beginning of April, that marks the official seventh-month breastfeeding milestone. Yay! I'm going to celebrate with a cute little cow blinkie badge.. Thing. It makes me feel like I earned something besides sleepless nights and a gigantic infant.

Yay for blinkie cow badges!

1 comment:

  1. What is worse is when another woman does it. Can you imagine? It's always a competition with people about who is more tired. Who deserves more sympathy. It makes me sick.
